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Committed to advancing the global recognition of incinerating toilets, Cinderella actively participates in shaping safety and quality standards worldwide. Our toilets boast numerous certifications and approvals from reputable organizations across the globe, and we collaborate closely with accredited companies to guarantee continuous safety assurance for consumers. Cinderella Eco Group has, with careful consideration, partnered with select agencies possessing the highest expertise and experience. This strategic alliance enables us to offer our customers reliable approvals that reflect our unwavering commitment to safety and quality.



Cinderella electric incinerating toilets, certifications and approvals
Certifications and approvals under the European technical standardization system 'CENELEC' in accordance with current European technical standards, European harmonised standards are regularly adopted in many countries outside Europe which follow European technical standards.

Due to the well-known tradition of safety awareness in the Nordic countries, Cinderella Eco Group has chosen to use NEMKO as an accredited partner to ensure the electrical safety of our electric incinerating products.

  • Nemko as the national certification body in Norway.
  • Semko (Intertek) as a part of the Nemko Nordic certification scheme

Standards used in testing our electric appliances

  • EN 60335 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety
  • EN 62233 Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances
  • EN 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility
  • NEK 557* Electrical incinerating toilets (*applies only in Norway)


North America

For markets: USA and Canada
The Underwriters Laboratories UL mark applies to products that have been designed and approved for the US market and have received specific Underwriters Laboratories certification that they comply with the respective US standards. C-UL-US is products in compliance with UL’s Listing and Follow-Up Service for Canada and the United States. Products carrying marks for Canada have been evaluated to Canadian safety requirements, which may be somewhat different from U.S. safety requirements. A combination mark indicates compliance with both Canadian and U.S. requirements.

  • UL791 Standard for Residential Incinerators
  • UL791-CRD Standard for Residential Incinerators
  • CSA 5.2-1971 (R2019) Gas-Fired Waterless Toilets
  • CSA C22.2 No. 64-10 (R2014) Household Cooking and Liquid-Heating Appliances, Includes Update No. 1 (2013), Update No. 2 (2016)

For market: USA
NSF accredited third-party certification provides all stakeholders – industry, regulators, users and the general public – assurance that a certified product, material, component or service complies with the technical requirements of the referenced standard.

  • NSF P157 Electrical Incinerating Toilets - Health and Sanitization in US.



For markets: Australia and New Zealand

  • APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - TREATMENT ACT; WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Regulation 1974. (Treatment of Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste)

Cinderella Comfort: 

  • REGULATORY COMPLIANCE MARK Cinderella electrical incinerating toilets are tested and approved in accorance to all applicable ACMA regulatory arrangements, including all technical and record-keeping requirements.

Cinderella Freedom: 
Australia: Cinderella Freedom has been thoroughly tested by Underwriters Laboratories in Toronto, on behalf of Global-Mark Australia. The Cinderella Freedom incinerating toilet meets all gas safety requirements appliacable in Australia and New Zealand, and has therefore received the Global-Mark certificate in accordance with AS/NZS 5263.0

Cinderella Freedom is tested according to:

  • AS/NZS 5263.0 - Gas appliances, Part 0: General requirements
  • AS/NZS 5601.1 - Gas installations, Part 1: General installations

New Zealand: 
At present, the Cinderella Freedom model sold and distributed in New Zealand is certified according to European standards.